Modern Engineering and American Leather June 25 2014

Did you know that the American Leather Comfort Sleeper will fit through this door as demonstrated by this adorable little baby girl?

 from American Leather's Facebook page
It's true! Tight spaces, stairwells, narrow hallways, studio apartments, no problem! There are so many more amazing features that are designed into this sleeper, like the patented mechanism that makes opening and closing almost effortless. What are you looking for in a sleeper-sofa? Comfortable extra sleeping space? Durability? Easy maintenance and clean-up? American Leather Comfort Sleepers have it all.


Water and stain proof materials like those on the mattress are not only easy to keep clean but are also anti-bacterial and anti-microbial. And American Leather is one the first companies in the U.S. to remove fire retardants from their products making them all the more healthy.


The folks at American Leather like to say "it's a bed first" but it makes a great looking sofa (or sectional) as well. Choose from 13 styles in fabric or leather in multiple sizes and configurations. 

Visit one of our stores to get the whole list of features this amazing product has to offer. And have no fear when that little girl starts inviting her friends over...well, at least you won't worry about the bed! :)

–The Harvest Team