Harvest News
This Weekend - Menlo Summerfest! July 15 2016
This weekend, Saturday, July 16th and Sunday, July 17th, is the Menlo Park Summerfest! This event is always so much fun with live music, art, food and lots of activities for the kids.
Visit the Menlo Park Summerfest Website for more information and be sure to stop by Harvest to say hello!
– The Harvest Team
August Art Walk in Los Gatos August 22 2014

The Los Gatos Art Walk is Growing! July 28 2014
More and more shops are joining in this fun event and showing beautiful works from local artists. This Thursday the Los Gatos Harvest will be featuring pieces from Carol Bower and Jeanne Tillman. Other shops to visit for art displays include Cover Story, Napa Style, Prim Boutique, Galeria Arte, Jco's and Azuca.
Come downtown for a relaxing evening of visiting your favorite shops, a glass of wine and locally crafted fine art.
– The Harvest Team
Luau in San Carlos! April 28 2014
Every year we celebrate our San Carlos community with a party benefitting the San Carlos Education Foundation. This year join us for a Luau, Friday May 2nd from 5pm - 9pm. We will be serving MaiTais and Pupus and will be holding a raffle for over 20 wonderful prizes. The fundraiser is a great way to show support for our neighbors while having a great time. All proceeds go directly to SCEF.
NEW! Los Gatos Art Walk - April 24th April 16 2014
Los Gatos loves to have fun! And, we love our local artists. Starting Thursday evening, April 24th, merchants in Los Gatos will be hosting a monthly Art Walk where participating stores will display works by various local artists. This is a great chance to spend an evening downtown browsing fine art and enjoying sips of wine and appetizers at Harvest, and your other favorite shops. Harvest, Los Gatos, will be showing the fine art of Carol Bower. Carol's dramatic paintings are full of color and expression. Working mainly in pastel and acrylic, she captures the beauty of her surroundings and adeptly translates her emotions to the canvas.
Nature's Table
Zion Majesty
North Dome at Yosemite
"For me art is a sentimental journey. It is the recording of feelings and impressions I have at a particular time and place. Through the language of art I can express the joy I feel when creating a magical world with unlimited possibilities for combining colors, shapes, lines, and textures. I particularly enjoy painting outdoors, or Plein Air, where the elements of weather intuitively contribute to the dynamics of the final piece." - Carol Bower
The Los Gatos Art Walk is just getting started. As soon an more information on participants is available, we will share the links and/or website with you.
Until then, JOIN US on Thursday, April 24th from 6pm - 9pm for wine, fruit and cheese at Harvest Los Gatos, 18 North Santa Cruz Avenue (408) 884-8664
-The Harvest Team